Thursday, March 11, 2010




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Java Programing


Java Programing


1. The range of char datatype in java is from ____to _______.
2. What is the value of int variable a after execution of the following program segment.
      Int a =-1 : a = a >>> 24 :
3. Give an example of short circuit operator in java.
4. Consider the following java program segment.
               For (I=0;I<10;I++)
What is outputted after the execution of the above ?
5. Give java declaration for creation of 10 * 10 int array.
6. A(n) _____is an instance of a class
7. What is the effect of assigning one object reference variable to another object reference variable.
8. _______class is highest level class in inheritance hierarchy of java.
9. In java, objects are passes to the functions by _______
10. To refer static variables in java, you need to specify the name of their ____ followed by dot operator.
11. One can not instantiate objects of _________classes.
12. _____key word is used to prevent a class from being inherited.
13. Which of the following are true ? (There can be more than one answer. List all of them )
     i) in java, constructors are called in the order of derivation. That is from super class to subclass.
     ii) Protected methods can be accessed from non-subclasses of the same package.
     iii) A class can implement more than one interface.
      iv) Java interpreter generates machine language code.
14. What is an unchecked exception ?
15. _____methods are a convention whereby static methods in a class returns an instance of that class.
16. What is a type wrapper ?
17. A ________ is an object that stores association between keys and values.
18. What is meant by serializatoin ?
19. ________ method of applet is called when web browser leaves the HTML document.
20. Give any two examples of when Action Event is generated.
21. What is the purpose of Font Metrics class ?
22. ______is the default layout manager in java.
23. What is meant by remote method invokation ?
24. _______are java programs that execute on the server side of a web server.
25. What is a java bean ?



2. Write java class Bank Account with instance variables account No, name, and balance and constructor methods , deposit (int amount) and withdrawal (int amount). Withdrawal of an amount is permitted only when the balance is more that the amount.


3. Write java class circle with constructor methods and methods for finding area and circumference. Write a main program to instantiate two circles with radii of 10 and 20 and output their areas and circumferences.


4. Write java abstract class shape with a method Area() and two derived classes Rectangle and circle. Using these classes demostrate dynamic method despatch.


5. Using threads, write java program for producer-consumer problem with n buffers.


6. List and explain standard collection classes along with their inheritance hierarchy in java.


7. List and explain various character stream classes in java.

Yes No Cancel
8.Write java applet to generate the following screen.


9. Write java applet to display an image sample.jpg.


10. a) List out the advantages of java beans 6m

b) Write short notes on Remote method invocation procedure 4m


11 With an aid of a simple example, explain the key concepts of servelets.

Operating systems


Operating systems


1. List the three functions of resource management.
2. List any three types of interrupts.
3. List any three resources of a virtual computer.
4. Expand SPOOL.
5. The sharing of physical resources by more than one process is called __
6. What is the purpose of Iseek system call ?
7. Give any one reason for the process to get blocked.
8. Which IPC pattern is more suitable for accessing and updating pass word file ?
9. List four necessary conditions for dead lock.
10. Give any one difference between a process and a thread.
11. When the order of process completion does make a difference in results, the problem is called _______
12. The output of compiler is called as _______
13. List two kinds of external symbols.
14. Give an advantage of runtime dynamic linking.
15. Expand TLB.
16. _______ is an operating system process that wakes up periodically and perform operation.
17. _____is a program in execution.
18. ______is an area in a virtual address space that contains data used for one purpose, that is , a code module, an array or a table.
19. A _______is a synchronization primitive with two operations : wait and signal.
20. ____is a software that communicates with a device controller.
21. ____is a unit of transfer between disk drive and main memory during a single I/O operation.
22. _____is the physical movement of read/write head in a disk system to the cylinder where the next read/write will takes place.
23. Expand FAT.
24. _______ is the activity of making sure that a user is really who he/she is.
25. List any one disadvantage of client - server model.


2 a) Explain the flow of control during a system call.

b) Explain what process dispatching is


3 a) What are the three objects the simple operating system implements and what operations are allowed on them.

b) Explain the difference between a program and a process 3


4. List and briefly explain any five IPC patterns. 10m


5 a) Give any two examples of programs that uses threads. 6m

b) Why are semaphores more efficient than message passing ? 4m


6. Describe the process of loading a load module for execution. 10m


7. a) Describe the actions an operating system must take when a page fault interrupt occurs. 6m

b) Describe the differences between linking and relocation. 4m


8. Describe the layout of a file system. 10m


9. a) Describe the differences between block devices and character devices.

b) Explain the purposes of a device driver. 5m


10. a) List out the four main tasks of the resource manger. 6m

b) Write notes on access control list. 4m


11 a) How do you construct a protection domain with capability lists. 6m

b) What is a distributed operating system. 4m

Systems Analysis and Logical design


Systems Analysis and Logical design


1. List any three classes of information systems.
2. Define environment of a system.
3. List the four skills needed by the successful systems analyst.
4. Define critical path.
5. In which phase of the system development life cycle does project planning typically occur ?
6. List any four feasibility factors.
7. Define discount rate.
8. Expand ROI.
9. List any three traditional methods of collecting systems requirements.
10. Define prototyping
11. List four different types of data flow diagrams used in the system development process.
12. List any three guidelines for drawing DFD'S
13. What does the term "limited entry" mean in a decision table.
14. Define trigger.
15. List out three types of logical models
16. Draw symbol for entity in E-R diagram.
17. Define actor in use-case modelling.
18. Draw the class diagram with association relationship "A university offers large number of courses ."
19. Match the following :
     a. Aggregation      1. Is a relation
     b. composition      2. A set of objects
     c. inheritance         3. Part of relation
20.List the four phases of RAD as defined by James Martin.
21.What is meant by scalability ?
22. Expand JAD.
23. List out the three characteristics of usability
24. List any four types of module coupling
25. Expand PERT.



2. Describe your college as a system. What is the input ? the output ? the boundary ? the components ? their interrelationships ? the constraints ? the purpose ? the interfaces ? the environment ? Draw a diagram of this system. 10m

3. A software project has been defined to contain the following list of activities along with their required times for completion : activity Time(weeks) Immediate

1.Collection of requirements 2 -
2.Analyze processes 3 1
3.Analyze Data 3 2
4.Design processes 7 2
5.Design data 5 3
6.Design screens 1 3,4
7.Design reports 5 4,5
8.Program 4 6,7
9.Test and document 8 7
10.Install 2 8,9

Draw a PERT chart for the activities.
Calculate the earliest completion time Show the critical path What would happen if activity 6 was revised to take 4 weeks instead of one week.


4. List and describe the steps in the project initiation and planning process.


5. compare collecting information by interview and by questionnaire.

Describe an hypothetical situation in which each of these methods would be an effective way to collect information system requirements.


6. Starting with the context diagram, draw as many nested DFDs as you consider necessary to represent all the details of the employees hiring system described in the following:

Interspace company is an software development company with 500 employees. The company keeps records on all employees, their skills, projects assigned and departments worked in. New employees are hired by the personnel manager based on the data in the application form and evaluations collected from other managers who interview the job candidates. Prospective employees may apply at any time. Managers notify personnel manager when a job opens and list the characteristics necessary to be eligible for the job. The personnel manager compares the qualifications of the available pool of applicants with the characteristics of open job, then schedules interviews between the manager incharge of the open position and three best candidates from the pool. After receiving evaluations on each interview from the manager, the personnel manager makes the hiring decision based upon the evaluations and the applications of the candidates and the characteristics of the job, and the notify the interviews and the manager about the decision. Applications of rejected applicants are retained for one year, after which time the application is purged. When hired, a new employee completes a nondisclosure agreement, which filed with other information about the employee.


7. Sushmita is trying to decide what graduate programs she will apply to. She wants to stay in South India, but if a program is considered one of the top 10 in the country, she is willing to move to another part of the country. Sushmita is interested in MBA, MIT and MIS programs. An MBA program must have atleast one well known faculty member and meet her location recruitment's before she will consider applying to it. Use a decision tree and decision table to represent this logic.


8. A cat rental company wants to develop an automated system that would handle car reservations, customer billing and car auctions. Usually a customer reserves a car, picks it up and then returns if after certain period of time. When car is returned, the customer receives a bill and pays the specified amount. In addition to renting out cars, every six months of so, the auto rental company auctions the cars that have accumulated over 20,000 miles. Draw a use-case diagrams for capturing the requirements of the system to be developed. Extend the diagram to capture corporate billing, where corporate customers are billed in the name of corporation and payments are made sometime later.


9. Draw a class diagram, showing the relevant classes, attributes, operations and relationships for the following situation :

A hospital has a large number of registered physicians. Attributes of physician include physicianId(primary key) and speciality. Patients are admitted to the hospital by physicians. Attributes of patient include patientId(primary key) and patient Name. Any patient who is admitted must have exactly one admitted physician. A physician can admit any number of patients. Once admitted, a given patient must be treated by at least one physician. A particular physician may treat any number of patients. Whenever a patient is treated by a physician, the hospital wished to record the details of the treatment by including the date,time and the results of the treatment.


10. Discuss the benefits, problems and general design process for the use of color when designing system output.


11. Describe five methods of interacting with system.




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