Wednesday, March 10, 2010

System Analysis and Design with UML - 1,2 & 3

System Analysis and Design with UML
Total Marks : 140 Marks
Unit : 1,2 & 3

!! Every Question for 1 Marks !!                                                                                         40 Marks    
Q :  1  The product of System analysis and design is an --------------------.
            (A) IS              (B) Information System          (C) Informal System    (D) Both A and B
Q :  2  --------- make up the vast majority of the information worker in any information system.
            (A) System owner       (B) System user           (C) Workers                (D) All of above
Q :  3  ---------  are  technology specialists for information system.
            (A) System owners     (B) System users         (C) System designers      (D) All of above
Q :  4  --------- understand both business and computing.
            (A) System owner       (B) System user           (C) Workers                (D) System Analysts
Q :  5  --------- is a proven and well-accepted engineering technique.
            (A) System                  (B) Modeling              (C) UML                     (D) All of above
Q :  6   ----- are the most important building block of any object oriented system.
            (A) Interfaces        (B) Attributes       (C) Classes       (D) All of above        
Q :  7   A class implements one or more --------.
            (A) Interfaces        (B) Classes            (C) Attributes    (D) Operation                      
Q :  8   A ----- name is class name prefixed by name of package in which that class lives.
            (A) Simple        (B) Unified class      (C) Unifier interface   (D) Path
Q :  9   An ------ is a named property of a class that describes a range of  values.
            (A)  Interface     (B) Operator       (C) implementer       (D) None of above
Q : 10 An ------ is the implementation of a services that can be requested from any object
of the class to affect behavior.
            (A)  Interface     (B) Operation       (C) Operator       (D) None of above
Q : 11   A/An  ------ is a contract or an obligation of a class.
            (A)  Interface     (B) Operation       (C) Responsibility   (D) Class
Q : 12   As your models get larger, many of the classes you find will tend to package
together in group that are conceptually and semantically related  T/F?
            (A) True       (B) False         (C) Can’t say        (D) None of above               
Q : 13   A ------- is a mechanism that describe structural and behavioral feature.
            (A) Class        (B) Responsibility    (C) Attribute       (D) Classifier  
Q : 14  The ----- of feature specifics whether it can be used by other classifiers.
            (A) Scope       (B) Polymorphic     (C) Visibility           (D) NONE of above
Q : 14  The number of instances a class may have is called its ---------.
            (A) Responsibility        (B) Multiplicity        (C) Attribute       (D) None of above
Q : 15  The name of an operation plus its parameters is called the operation’s ----------.
(A) Signal       (B) Frozen     (C) Sign      (D) Signature
Q : 16    A ----- is a parameterized elements.
             (A) Signature       (B) Standard     (C) Template      (D) Objects
Q : 17  A -------- has a structure part as well as dynamic part.
            (A) Collaboration        (B) Interact      (C) Both        (D)  None of above
Q : 18  The  contemporary view of software development takes an ---------------- perspective.
            (A) System Model      (B) algorithmic            (C) Object-oriented                 (D) All of above
Q : 19  The --------- was originally designed by the three Amigos at Rational Corp.
            (A) COM+                  (B) JAVA                   (C) BEAN                   (D) None of above
Q : 20  Where can the UML be used ?
            (A) Retail        (B) Scientific               (C) Transportation                   (D) All of above
Q : 21   A ------ is a connection among things.
            (A) Relationship        (B) Dependency           (C) Package    (D) None                    
Q : 22   A ----- is a using relationship that states that a change in specification of one thing
may affect another thing that use it.
            (A) Dependency        (B) Generalization      (C) Association               (D) None
Q : 23   An  association that connect more than two classes; there are called ----- association.
            (A)  Binary     (B) Inherit      (C) Multiple        (D) n-ary
Q : 24   An ------- represents a structural relationship among objects.
            (A) Dependency        (B) Generalization      (C) Association               (D) None
Q : 25   The same class can play the same or different roles in other association. T/F?
            (A) True       (B) False         (C) Can’t say        (D) None of above               
Q : 26   An ------- is really just a special kind of association.
            (A) Dependency        (B) Aggregation           (C) Association           (D) None
Q : 27  ------- specifies that the target use case extends the behavior of the source.
            (A) Extend      (B) Expose     (C) Access          (D) NONE of above
Q : 28   A class may have no parents, such an element is called a ------- class.
            (A) Root       (B) Base     (C) both A & B      (D) Leaf
Q : 29  There are --- stereotypes that apply to dependency relationship among packages.
            (A) Two        (B) Three        (C) Four       (D) None of above
Q : 30  There are ---- standard constraints that apply to generalization relationship.
(A) One       (B) Four     (C) Two           (D) Five
Q : 31    An ----- specifying that objects of one thing are connected to objects of another.
             (A) Generation      (B) Aggregation      (C) Association      (D) Objects
Q : 32   A ----- is a semantic relationship between classifiers in which one classifier specifies
a contract that another classifier guarantees carry out.
            (A) Association    (B) Dependency    (C) Aggregation    (D) Realization
Q : 33  ------- of specifies that the source object is an instance of the target classifier.
            (A) Instantiate        (B) Instance      (C) Power type                    (D)  None of above
Q : 34  ------- things are the explanatory parts of UML models.
            (A) Annotational         (B) Behavioral             (C) Structural              (D) All of above
Q : 35  A node is rendered as a cube. TRUE/FALSE
            (A) FALSE                 (B) TRUE                   (C) Can’t say               (D) None of above
Q : 36  A note is rendered as a tabbed folder together with a textual comment. True/False
            (A) True                      (B) False                      (C) May yes/no           (D) None of above
Q : 37  A class is an abstraction, an object is one concrete manifestation of that abstraction. True/false
            (A) True          (B) False                      (C) can’t say                            (D) none of above
Q : 38  The UML is not more than just a graphical language. True/False
            (A) True                      (B) False                      (C) May yes/no           (D) None of above
Q : 39  The UML’s extensibility mechanisms include --------------.
            (A) Stereotype                        (B) Constraints            (C) Tagged values       (D) All of above
Q : 40  The  ----------- view of a system encompasses the nodes that form the system’s hardware
topology on which the system execute.
            (A) process                  (B) implementation     (C) deployment           (D) None of above
@@ Every Question for 2 Marks @@                                                                   40 Marks
Q : 41  state True/False
            1. System owners usually come from the ranks of management.
            2. System owners are usually executive managers.
            (A) True, False            (B) Both false             (C) False, True             (D) Both true
Q : 42  state True/False
            1. Office automation Systems helps employees to collaboration and communication.
            2. Information come in any shapes and sizes.
            (A) True, False            (B) Both false             (C) False, True             (D) Both true
Q : 43  state True/False
            1. Partners and Suppliers are examples of remote users.
            2. Middle and Executive managers are examples of mobile users.
            (A) True, False            (B) Both false             (C) False, True             (D) Both true
Q : 44  state True/False
            1. System designers are technology specialist for information systems.
            2. Web architects are an example of the system designer.
            (A) True, False            (B) False, False                       (C) True, True              (D) False, True
Q : 45  Following are principles of modeling.
            1. The best models aren’t disconnected to reality.
            2. No single model is sufficient.
            3. The choke of what models to create has a profound influence on how a problem is attacked
     and how a solution is shaped.
            (A) only 2 and 3          (B) only 1 and 2          (C) only 1 and 3           (D) All of above
Q : 46  state True/False
            1. A class is rendered as a rectangle and interface rendered as an ellipse.
            2. A component is rendered as a rectangle with labs.
            (A) True, False            (B) Both false             (C) False, True             (D) Both true
Q : 47  state True/False
            1. An association is rendered as a solid line with no hollow arrowhead.
            2. A generalization is rendered as a solid line with a hollow arrowhead.
            (A) True, True             (B) False, False                       (C) False, True             (D) True, False
Q : 48  state True/False
            1. A sequence diagram is emphasizes the time-ordering of massage.
            2. A sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams are isomorphic.
            (A) True, False            (B) Both false             (C) False, True             (D) Both true
Q : 49   --- and --- are stereotype apply to dependency relationships among use-case.
(A) Extern, Include  (B) Include, Extend  (C) Include, Extern  (D) None
Q : 50
  ----- and ---- are stereotypes that apply to dependency relationship among packages.
            (A) Access, Import   (B) Export, Import   (C) Import, Axcess   (D)  Both A & C
Q : 51  (a)  ----- is sometime called an ------- relationship.
 (A) Generalization, is-a-kind-of                     (B) aggregation, has-a
 (C) Generalization, Aggregation                    (D) Both A & B
Q : 52  --------,-------- and ------ are important relationship in object-oriented modeling.
(A) Decencies, Association, Aggregation          (B) Aggregation, Generalization, Dependency
(C) Dependency, Association, Generalization   (D)  None of above
Q : 53   State TRUE/FALSE
            a. Generalization means that the child is substitutable for the subclass.
            b.  An operation of a child that has the same signature as an operation in a parent
      overrides the operation of the parent; this is known as polymorphism.
            (A)  True, False             (B) False, True    (C) True, True          (D) False, False
Q : 54  1. A class that has exactly one parent is said to use ------- inheritance.
            2. A class that has more than one parent is said to use ------ inheritance.
(A)  Simple, Multiple  (B) Single, Polymorphism  (C) Multiple, Single (D) Single, Multiple.
Q : 55   --- and --- based analysis are excellent ways to help users find these abstractions.
(A) CDC, Use case  (B) CRC card, User case  (C) CRC card, Use case  (D) None
Q : 56
   In its full form, the syntax of an attribute in the UML is…..
            [visibility]name[-------][:------][=initial-value][{property-string}]   Fill the blank.
            (A)  Multiplicity, Type   (B) Type, Multiple  (C) Data, Type  (D)  Both A & C
Q : 57  (a)  ----- indicates an input parameter; may not be modified.
(b)  ----- indicates an input parameter; may be modified.
(A) Inout, In               (B) In, Out        (C) Out, Outin            (D) In, Inout
Q : 58  The UML distinguishes between ------ and --------.
            (A) Method, Operation  (B) Operator, Method  (C) Method, Operator (D)  None
Q : 59   In its full form, the syntax of an operation in the UML is…..
            [--------] name [(parameter-list)][; -----------][{property-string}]   Fill the blank.
            (A)  Multiplicity, Return-type               (B) Return-type, Visibility
(C) Visibility, Return-type                    (D)  Both A & C
Q : 60  1. ----- is a physical and replaceable part of a system that conforms to and provides
                 the realization of a set of interfaces.
            2. ------ is a physical element that exists at run time.
            (A)  Node, Component   (B) Class, Node   (C) Interface, Node  (D) Component, Node
$$ Every Question obtained 4 marks $$                                                                             60 Marks
Q : 61  Sort out the common mechanisms used in the UML.
            1. Specification           2. Elided                     3. Common divisions              4. Integrity
            5. Scope                      6. Adornment              7. Extensibility                        8. Execution
            (A) 1,2,3,6       (B) 1,3,6,7                   (C) 1,3,6,7,8                (D) 1,2,6,7
Q : 62  Following are not a diagram identify them.
            1. Use case                  2. sequence                  3. Activity       4. Statement    5. Communication
            6. Collaboration          7. Component             8. Interface      9. Node           10. Object
            (A) 1,4,5,8,9,10           (B) 3,4,5,6,8,9             (C) 2,4,5,9        (D) 4,5,8,9
Q : 63  Match the following
                        (A)                                                                   (B)
            1. Structural Things                 a. The nouns of UML Model
            2. Grouping Things                 b. The explanatory parts of UML Model
            3. Annotational Things           c. The organizational parts of UML Model
            4. Behavioral Things               d.  The dynamic parts of  UML Model
            (A) 1-a,2-b,3-c,4-d      (B) 1-c,2-b,3-d,4-a      (C) 1-d,2-c,3-a,4-b      (D) 1-a,2-c,3-b,4-d
Q : 64  Match the following.
                 (A) {system stakeholders}                                     (B) {Examples}
            1. Systems users                                              a. Security experts and Graphic artists
            2. Systems designers                                       b. Problem solver
            3. Systems builders                                         c.  Security administrators
            4. Systems Analysts                                        d. Supervisors and executive managers
            (A) 1-d,2-a,3-c,4-b      (B) 1-b,2-a,3-d,4-c      (C) 1-a,2-b,3-c,4-d       (D) 1-c,2-a,3-d,4-b
Q : 65  Match the following…
                        (A)                                                       (B)
            1. DSS                                     a. Executive Information Systems
            2. EIS                                      b. Decision Support Systems
            3. TPS                                     c. Management Information System
            4. MIS                                     d. Transaction Processing systems
            (A) 1-d,2-a,3-c,4-b      (B) 1-b,2-a,3-d,4-c      (C) 1-a,2-b,3-c,4-d       (D) 1-c,2-a,3-d,4-b
Q : 66  Match the following…
                        (A)                                                       (B)
            1. Use-case view                     a. Encompasses the classes, interface and collaboration
            2. Design view                        b. Describe the behavior of the system
            3. Implementation view          c. Encompasses the component and file that are used to assemble
            4. Process view                       d. Encompasses the thread and processes.
            (A) 1-d,2-a,3-c,4-b      (B) 1-b,2-a,3-d,4-c      (C) 1-a,2-b,3-c,4-d       (D) 1-c,2-a,3-d,4-b
Q : 67  Classifiers include ------------------.
            1. Interfaces    2. Responsibilities       3. Nodes          4. components
            5. Objects        6. Subsystems             6. Signatures   8. signals
         (A) All of above          (B) 1,2,3,4,6,8      (C) 1,3,4,5,6,8     (D) 1,3,4,6,8
Q : 68  Match the following..
                        (A)                                                       (B)
            1. + display                                         a. Name and Property
            2. restart ( ) {isQuery)                         b. Name and Return type
            3. getID ( ) : Integer                           c. Visibility and Name
            4. set ( n : name s : srting)                   d.  Name and parameter
            (A)  1-a,2-b,3-c,4-d (B) 1-c,2-a,3-b,4-d  (C) 1-b,2-c,3-a,4-d  (D) 1-d,2-c,3-a,4-b
Q : 69 Match the following..
            (A)                                           (B)
1. Metaclass    a. Specifies a classifier is a stereotype that may be applied on other elements.
2. Powertype   b. Specifies a classifier whose objects are all classes.
3.  Utility         c. Specifies a classifier whose objects are the children of a given parent.
4.  Stereotype  d. Specifies a class whose attribute an operation are all class scoped.
            (A)  1-a,2-b,3-c,4-d (B) 1-c,2-a,3-b,4-d  (C) 1-b,2-c,3-a,4-d  (D) 1-d,2-c,3-a,4-b
Q : 70  Match the following..
            (A)                                           (B)
1.Private          a. Only the classifier itself can use the feature.
2.Changeable   b. there are no restrictions on modifying the attribute’s value.
3. Frozen         c. The attribute’s value may not be changed after the object is initialized.
4. Protected     d. Any descendant of  the classifier can use the feature.
            (A)  1-a,2-b,3-c,4-d (B) 1-c,2-a,3-b,4-d  (C) 1-b,2-c,3-a,4-d  (D) 1-d,2-c,3-a,4-b
Q : 71  Identify stereotypes that apply to dependency relationships among classes and object
in diagrams.
1. Instance       2. bind             3. Derive         4. Refine
5. Friend          6. Use              6. Power type  8. Instantiate
(A) All of above          (B) 1,2,3,4,6,8      (C) 1,3,4,5,6,8     (D) 1,3,4,6,8
Q : 72  Match the following..
       (A)                                                            (B)
1. become        a. Specifies that the source operation invokes the target operation.
2. call               b. Specifies that the target object is an exact but independent copy of the source
3. copy            c. specifies that the target is the same object as the source but at a late point in time and with possibly different values, states or roles.
4. include        d. specifies that the source use case explicitly incorporates the behavior of another use case at a location specified by the source.
            (A)  1-a,2-b,3-c,4-d (B) 1-c,2-a,3-b,4-d  (C) 1-b,2-c,3-a,4-d  (D) 1-d,2-c,3-a,4-b
Q : 73 Match the following..
            (A)                                           (B)
1. Complete                 a. Specifies that  object of the parent may have more than one of the children as a type.
2. Incomplete              b. Specifies that object of the parent may have no more than one of the children as a type.
3.  Disjoint                  c. Specifies that no additional children are permitted.
4.  Overlapping           d. Specifies that additional children are permitted.
            (A)  1-d,2-c,3-b,4-a (B) 1-c,2-d,3-b,4-a  (C) 1-c,2-d,3-a,4-b  (D) 1-d,2-c,3-b,4-a
Q : 74  Match the following..
            (A)                                           (B)
1. xor               a. Specifies that the relationship is not manifest but, rather is only conceptual.
2. addOnly      b. Specifies that the set of objects at once end of association are in an explicit order.
3. Implicit        c. New link may be added from an object on the opposite end of the association
4. Ordered       d. Specifies that over a set of associations, exactly one is manifest for each associated object.
            (A)  1-a,2-b,3-c,4-d (B) 1-c,2-a,3-b,4-d  (C) 1-b,2-c,3-a,4-d  (D) 1-d,2-c,3-a,4-b
Q : 75 Match the following.
            (A)                                           (B)
1. Stereotypes             a. extends the properties of UML building block.
2. Tagged values         b. extends the semantics of a UML building block.
3. Constraint               c. extends the vocabulary of the UML.
4. Behavioral things    d. The dynamic parts of UML building block.
            (A)  1-a,2-b,3-c,4-d (B) 1-c,2-a,3-b,4-d  (C) 1-b,2-c,3-a,4-d  (D) 1-d,2-c,3-a,4-b

*** Best of Luck ***


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